Kathryn Ray


"The flâneur is not attracted to the cities official realities"
-- Susan Sontag, On Photography

The Flâneur, as coined by French modernist poet, Charles Baudelaire, is the casual wanderer of the modern city. Sontag describes this "voyeuristic stroller" as one "adept in the joys of watching" and "a connoisseur of empathy", going on to say that "the flâneur finds the world "picturesque"."

Driven by an empathy for things and an affinity for collecting, my current practice largely revolves around documenting my daily surroundings by photographing discarded or overlooked objects and moments. Shooting with 35mm disposable and point and shoot cameras allows me to quickly observe and record anything I'm momentarily drawn to and to then memorialize it in a photo.

The images shown in Flânuer, my solo show up for the duration of February and March at Circle Thrift & Art Space in Richmond, VA, are a part of "The Ongoing Collection"; a continually forming body of work shot over the course of the past year. These photos were taken while wandering.

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